5 Year Anniversary Beer - Bourbon Barrel Aged
Jessup Farm Barrel House
Fort, Collins

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A Note on This Beer
I’ve been to a couple of farm parties before.
One involved bourbon and led to pinning the tail on an actual donkey (don’t worry, we used tape).
The other involved tequila — and, for reasons none of us can remember, we gave a chicken a bubble bath.
Both were crazy-fun times, but celebrating the barrel-aged experts at Jessup Farm’s 5 Year Anniversary with a Bourbon Barrel Aged Barleywine AND a Tequila Barrel Aged Barleywine takes the cake!
Mature taste buds can really appreciate Jessup’s time, as the bourbon variant spent 11 months in freshly emptied Old Elk Barrels. You can’t miss the oaky, spiced vanilla-caramel that oozes from each sip.
Not to mention the 9 months the Tequila version spent in first-use barrels. The results brim with melty, boozy, agave candy.
Maybe it didn’t take chasing a donkey or scrubbing a chicken for you to appreciate the slow-paced, finer things in life. But, I’m sure you’ve partied your way to earning a taste of today’s sophisticated, celebratory brews.
*Barrel-aged gems like these helped Jessup earn a spot as Eater’s #3 Essential Colorado Brewery!
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