A Note on This Beer
Hoppy Stockpile: This brew is stacked with a bunker’s worth of Comet, Centennial, Simcoe, and Cashmere Hops! Flavors to Savor: Tropical tangerine stands out, but you’ll also find hints of mango and pineapple along with a pop of resinous pine on the finish.
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably feeling a touch of cabin fever at this point. And, you’re going to need some serious juice to keep yourself from totally losing it.
That’s what Apocolypse Fatigue is for.
The multi-time Washington Beer Award-winners at Matchless Brewing crafted this juice to keep Northwest craft fans sane, and they used all local ingredients to do it. Even the grains in the mash bill come from Washington’s own Skagit Valley Malting!
Just make sure you stock up now, because you won’t find this brew at your local bottleshop — outside of our little stash, this brew is locals only!
Crack open a can of Apocalypse Fatigue, and you won’t even care that you’re spending your 60th consecutive night watching Netflix on the couch. You’ll be too busy swimming through a sea of tangy citrus!
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Tavour strictly supports independent beer. Matchless Brewing is certified independent by the Brewers Association
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