Bâtisserie Chocolate Banana Cream Pie
Energy City Brewing
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A Note on This Beer
Enjoying a delicious French dessert doesn’t require a flight to Paris.
It doesn’t take wandering the city’s winding streets. It doesn’t even take a passable understanding of the language when you need to ask about the bathroom.
No, no; if you need a taste of the city of lights, just indulge in today’s true-to-form banana chocolate delicacy, from the beer-tisserie at Energy City!
The brewers pack this boozy ode to dessert with massive bunches of fresh banana, smooth vanilla, drizzled chocolate flavors, and touches of milk sugar to create a creamy, decadent dessert-y life in every glass.
People go crazy for Energy City’s fruited brews, and this canned classic nightcap has folks clamoring for the authentic flavors! Fans like @Rob H. shout, “They say Chocolate Banana Cream Pie, and by Gawd, that is what you get. From the crust to the filling and the cream. It is all there, in balance!”
If you’re hankering for a delicious, authentic French banana cream pie without buying a plane ticket, the search is over!
Energy City’s fruited beers have ALL exceeded 4.10 on Tavour!