Galaxy Dry Hopped Invisible Airwaves
Stellwagen Beer Company
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I prefer sweet to dry, so a dry IPA isn't ideal.
Just a solid hazy
No a big fan of this one
Great beer to celebrate getting a new job 🎉
3.38/5 look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3 Poured from a 16 ounce can into an IPA glass. Look- Sudsy white head, dull straw, hazy, average head retention and lacing. Smell- Melon, papaya, mango, pineapple. Taste- Overwhelmingly herbaceous, ripe melon/mango/papaya flavors unsuccessfully try to break through. Feel- Super astringent, between thin and medium body, average carbonation, moderate bitterness. Overall- Unbalanced herbaceous and astringent properties overpower pleasant flavors.
Not sure what to think of this. Personally, it really like it. It’s rather light bodied, especially when it comes to IPAs, and that’s not something expect. Again, this is an IPA. Then again, I wonder if this the perfect IPA where I get hit with that hoppy flavor but need not to worry about getting too wasted or overpowered with that bitterness. Actually, scratch the wasted part… it is 7%