Goses Are Red (2019)
The Bruery Terreux
Anaheim, CA

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A Note on This Beer
I was hanging out at this small taproom in Washington, sippin’ down a pint at the bar, when this guy next to me starts pulling out bottles from his backpack. Seemed a little weird to be doing at a bar, but then he and the bartender start chatting about the beers and I assumed they must be bottle sharing pals.
I didn’t think anything of it until I saw the labels on his bottles — they were from California’s seven-time GABF-winning The Bruery!
At that moment, I knew he and I were going to be friends.
Turns out, my new buddy Peter is a member of The Bruery’s secret society. Which means he gets first dibs on the newest releases and apparently has a cellar stocked with some of the most coveted brews around.
Peter and I are now bottle share pals, and every week I try to bring a beer that he’ll never forget. Which, with a guy like Peter, is really friggin’ hard — this guy has tried everything!
That was, until now.
Today’s Goses are Red is crafted by The Bruery and I guarantee Peter doesn’t have a stash of yet because Tavour is getting exclusive first-access outside of California to this crisp, funky brew!
Which means unless he drives all the way down to the Golden State, I get to score a stash of this summertime Gose months before Mr. Secret Society Member even has a chance.
I can picture our next bottle share now. As I pour him a glass of this rose-hued brew, he’ll examine the can in disbelief, “how the heck did you score this?!”
Wave after wave of Gose-inspired tartness builds in complexity from the addition of Syrah Grapes. Coriander spice mingles with a light sea saltiness in the front, while a slight funk imparted from The Bruery’s house cultures rounds out each sip. Aging for two months in oak foeders with the grapes adds a lingering taste of Rosé wine, and a spritzy effervescent finish.
As Peter finishes his last sip, he’ll probably chuckle with satisfaction (It’s this silly thing he does when he really loves a beer.)
He knows, Goses are Red is one unforgettable pour.
Rated 4.02 on Beer Advocate
Packaged On July 2nd, 2019
110 Ratings