A Note on This Beer
How much fruit fits in a Midwest Fruit Tart before the Fruit Tart out-fruits all other Tarts?
Urban Artifact is seeking to answer this tongue twisting question with their latest Fruited Sour, Hobnail. This brew touts more than 4 million wild Canadian blueberries per 30 barrel batch! If, like me, you’re having trouble picturing 4 million blueberries, that’s like stuffing 424 blueberries into each 12 oz can of this Sour!
What makes this even more impressive is that these aren’t blueberries you could buy at the store. The brewers use wild blueberries — they grow on low bushes across fields and rocky hills, and, because of the terrain and their short stature, can often only be picked by hand.
It must have taken a mind-boggling amount of time and effort to gather up all the berries Urban Artifact used in this brew!
All that work and care was seriously worth it. This Midwest Tart showcases the delectable tang and rich flavor of these berries. The elevated level of tannins in wild blueberries also gives a delicate wine-like finish that truly sophisticated Sour drinkers can appreciate.
Be warned, one sip will have you asking, “how many cans can I get in my hands while my hands can still get cans??”
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Tavour strictly supports independent beer. Urban Artifact is certified independent by the Brewers Association