Imperial Brown Ale
Hellbent Brewing Company
Seattle, WA

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A Note on This Beer
Beers like today’s are what I miss most while the neighborhood breweries are closed or to-go only.
I don’t spot many 9.6% ABV Imperial Brown Ales at my local bottleshops. Grocery stores typically have only one Brown, and it’s a macro brew that’s super light and tastes watered-down. So, I rarely find one worth my time.
Here in Washington, Hellbent is one of those clutch breweries where, pre-social distancing, I could roll in with my buddies on a whim. And each time, I’d find just what I was craving: a taproom-only type score like today’s Imperial Brown!
It tastes like chocolate-covered toffee and honey-drizzled toast but in an uber-drinkable body. Its bold ABV hooks me up with a nice buzz while the booze is well hidden by all of that delicious flavor.
Sometimes, nothing hits the spot quite like a well-crafted Brown Ale. Thanks to Hellbent, one of those times is now.
206 Ratings