A Note on This Beer
The first time Anchorage brewed a limited batch of their Cryo-hopped KUIU Vias Double IPA, it sold out within days of its taproom release. Tavour hopheads went cuckoo for Cryo, scoring it a sky-high 4.35 and boasting about its “deep, rich, hazy goodness.”
Today you can call us honorary Alaskans, because Tavour is the only other place you’ll find this northern haze — brewed again by popular demand!
Even if you’re willing to trek to Alaska, this hazebomb — a collab with badass outdoor gear brand KUIU — is just as impossible to snag this time around! Getting your hands on a few cans means instant bragging rights.
Each creamy, pillowy mouthful of KUIU Vias bursts with notes of sweet honeydew, luscious passionfruit, ripe peach and tangy citrus. The cushy yet crushable 8.4% ABV brew absolutely drips with dank papaya notes from the concentrated Cryo Powder, extracted from whole-leaf Citra, Mosaic and Galaxy Hops.
A cloudy beast of juice, KUIU Vias oozes with layers of apricots, peaches, and clementines. Double dry hopping delivers layers of tropical fruit fanfare, with no bitterness whatsoever.
You’ll almost wish the beer was less luscious, because then your stash would last a bit longer!
Locals are known to drive their dogsled to the brewery to load it with pallets of Anchorage’s latest brew, but even they CAN’T get this beer. Thanks to our northern friends, we’ve gotten this limited-release Cryo-charged hazy out of Alaska and into your hands!
Rated 4.14 on Untappd
Packaged On May 23rd, 2019
1009 Ratings