Le Roar Grrrz - Elderberry
Bullfrog Brewery
Williamsport, PA

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A Note on This Beer
Wild Ale connoisseurs know Bullfrog Brewery’s award-winning Le Roar Grrrz as the #14 Lambic - Geuze in the world on BeerAdvocate.
But even the most experienced Wild Ale enthusiast might not be as familiar with Le Roar Grrrz - Elderberry. With each batch keg-conditioned between three and four years, it’s a much rarer rendition.
To craft this time-intensive treat, the Bullfrog crew let the original Gueuze blend rest on massive amounts of floral ‘n jammy elderberries. Then, after its time spent in kegs, they bottle conditioned it with Belgian candi sugar. The result is a rich, dark-purple pour, brimming aromas of earthy funk and tangy elderflower-hibiscus character from the fruit.
But, we only have 264 bottles to go around. Can you hear Le Roar?
Bullfrog Brewery is stacked in World Beer Cup and Great American Beer Festival medals!
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Tavour strictly supports independent beer. Bullfrog Brewery is certified independent by the Brewers Association
18 Ratings