A Note on This Beer
Nebuloid: Lagoon IPA is named after a massive cloud of gas and dust swirling around in deep space. You might think that’s a little grandiose for a beer, but the two actually have a lot in common!
Let’s take a look at the startling similarities:
They’re both full of awesome stuff! Nebuloid: Lagoon Hazy IPA features a potent blend of Galaxy, Mosaic, and Azacca Hops, bringing so much fresh-squeezed OJ, ripe pineapple, and tropical mango flavor, it’ll light up your tastebuds like the night sky!
The Lagoon Nebula contains Bok Globules — dense clouds of gas that sometimes form new stars. So it makes the night sky even prettier to drink this beer under!
They’re both hard to get! Unless you’re headed to California, you’re not likely to come by a drop of Lagoon IPA. Beers from Unsung Brewing barely make it out of the state, and this one is a limited edition.
The Lagoon Nebula isn’t exactly ‘limited,’ but it’s over 4,000 light years away, so it’s mighty hard to get a hold of. Even in the space shuttle, traveling at 5 miles per second, it would take 148 million years to reach. Not including bathroom breaks.
They go great together! Point a decent pair of binoculars towards the constellation Sagittarius on a dark night, and you can see the Lagoon Nebula with your own eyes! And, that’s pretty cool. But, it’ll be even cooler if you’re also sipping a fruity and delicious Nebuloid: Lagoon IPA.
Unsung is one of Thrillist’s Best Breweries in Orange County!
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