One Kap Kolsch
Three Magnets Brewing Company
Olympia, WA

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A Note on This Beer
Three Magnets Brewing almost never repeats a beer, so for many Pacific Northwest craft junkies, the Washington brewery’s new releases are some of the hottest commodities.
Seriously, their Fear of Missing Out (aka FOMO) on any release is practically paralyzing — I’ve seen zealous fans bribe their own grandmas to keep their place in line at release parties ‘cause they were stuck at their day jobs!
Well you can put your bribe money down, because Tavour is here to make your FOMO no mo’. We’re giving you a running-start to score today’s brand-spankin’-new release before anyone else: One Kap Kolsch!
This is the only opportunity for anyone outside of the Pacific Northwest to taste the newest brew to come from this 7-time Washington Beer Award-winning brewery — and what’s more, One Kap Kolsch is never coming back once it’s gone.
Three Magnets transports the traditional Kolsch style into Washington’s thirsty craft community with One Kap Kolsch, hopping it up for a slightly more bitter taste. Insanely clean with a crisp, grassy bite, the golden liquid pours over the palate with waves of cooling refreshment. The fruity profile of the hops lightly complements the grainy malt to deliver a gentle sweetness and soft mouthfeel.
PNW craft fiends are all panicking with the fear of missing out on a taste of this newest Three Magnets one-off. But lucky for you, this Tavour exclusive is right at your fingertips — and there’s no granny-bribing necessary!
*For laughs, Three Magnets invites everyone to check-in on Untappd with 1-Star and their best insult...let’s see whatcha got!
Packaged On February 28th, 2019
104 Ratings