A Note on This Beer
According to the eggheads at Oxford, a ‘philistine’ is someone “who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts.”
But to me, a Philistine IPA is itself a piece of art! From the glowing golden pour to the impeccably well balanced body, everything about this beer is museum quality as far as I’m concerned!
Luckily, I don’t have to wait in line at a museum to get a taste of the richly layered Citra, Mosaic, and Galaxy Hops in this brew, because Standard’s taproom is just a few blocks from my house. But outside of Seattle, these brews are more rarer than fine art — they seldom leave the city, let alone the state!
So, getting a can is kind of like inheriting a beautiful painting. It needs to be properly appreciated!
I like to pour it into a fancy glass, so I can take in its sunbeam-hued body and delightful aromas of tangerine and pineapple. With each sip, hints of mango and fresh squeezed OJ swirl across the taste buds like splashes of color on a Van Gogh canvas. On the finish, a whisper of pithy bitterness balances the fruity flavors.
If you’re a philistine when it comes to beer, this might not be the brew for you. If, on the other hand, you’re the type of drinker who appreciates the finest of brewing arts, this is one IPA you’ll want to display proudly in your beer fridge.
Rated 4.20 on Untappd
Standard is one of Eater’s 12 Essential Seattle Breweries!
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