The Bite of the Beast Barleywine
Hoppin' Frog Brewery
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About This Beer
To make Bite of the Beast the brewers started by crafting an English-style base with a diabolical 16.66% ABV. Then they infused it with bundles of Thai chili peppers!
Tasting Notes
Every sip hops across the taste buds with rich treacle character and hints of candied date and fig, but those sweet flavors are soon gobbled up by gnashing mandibles of spice! But don’t worry — keep sipping and you’ll discover nuances of banana bread and a touch of chocolate to temper the burn.
Noteworthy Ingredients
That’s a spicy meatball! Like a candy apple dipped in habeneros… satanically scrumptious
Caramel, nuts, and lots of dried fig on the palate gives way to spicy pepper. The flavor is pretty good, but I’m not sure I can handle all that spice.
a Very rich malty subtle seet taste up front rollimg into some mild smoky spicy notes due which blend in wel lwith the heat from abv.