A Note on This Beer
Remember that 90s song, “Mambo No. 5?” Arguably the most outside-the-box hit during the era of Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys. And today, I can’t stop humming it, because the folks at Plan Bee Farm Brewery say their Tippette “has a little bit of everything” when it comes to Wild Ales!
“A little bit of floral notes at the start,
A little bit of citrus keeps it tart,
A little bit of hops is all I need,
Fermented in oak is what I see!
A little bit of wood spice on the tongue,
Will keep me sipping it all night long.
A little bit of funk is in there too,
It’s a summer Wild for me and you!”
....And then something about trumpets. I can’t remember exactly how the song went, because all I can think about now is the oak-aged, fruit ‘n funk effervescence that swirls in each mouthful of Tippette. Just be forewarned — we only have 168 bottles to go around!
With this much tangy complexity, today’s insanely drinkable Wild Ale is going to dance away faster than a 90s one-hit-wonder.
*USA Today hails Plan Bee as the closest thing “to tasting a sense of New York's terroir that you can find.”
Tavour strictly supports independent beer. Plan Bee Farm Brewery is certified independent by the Brewers Association
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