Even More Tuxedo Shirt Jesus
Evil Twin Brewing
Stratford, CT

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A Note on This Beer
Today’s Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout is called Even More Tuxedo T-Shirt Jesus.
The name is a reference to the movie ‘Talladega Nights’ and you can check out the clip in the link below if you’re curious. But that’s not what’s important here.
I’m here to talk about the beer. And there’s a whole heck of a lot to talk about!
First off, this is the latest brew in the ludicrously rated ‘Even More’ series from Evil Twin Brewing. There are currently 10 previous ‘Even More’ Stouts on Untappd and they have an average rating of 4.18!
That’s a crazy-high average across that many beers of the same style from the same brewery! So getting a bottle is bound to impress just about any Stout fan you know.
Secondly, this release was aged in Maple Syrup barrels that once held Bourbon, and it’s packed with real vanilla, lactose, and freshly-roasted coffee.
Open a bottle and you’ll be nearly overwhelmed by roasty mocha notes, rich creamy vanilla, and a whole breakfast buffet’s worth of gooey maple syrup. Every sip tastes like biting into a coffee-dunked maple bar, to satisfy the most sweet-toothed Stout fans, plus it’s got a massive 13% ABV!
Maple barrels are mighty tough to get ahold of, but Evil Twin founder Jeppe has more connections than just about anyone in craft. So, of course, he was able to snag a few.
Which brings me to my next point: it’s made by Evil freakin’ Twin!
These guys are living legends in craft with a higher brewery rating on BeerAdvocate than fellow Dark Beer masters Surly and Stone. And this limited, one-time-only release is their latest boozy creation.
Craft fiends everywhere are gonna be searching for a sip of this stuff, but all you have to do is tap the order button.
We’ve gotten our hands on a few of the ‘Even More’ Stouts in the past, and they always go faster than you can say “Even More Tuxedo T-Shirt Jesus” ten times fast. So if you want to taste this maple-soaked decadence, don’t wait too long.
Oh, and here's that infamous clip from Talladega Nights if you want to know where the name comes from.
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