Vicennial: Last Guardian (2022)
River North Brewery
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About This Beer
In the hands of a lesser brewery, Last Guardian’s sky-high ABV would be all burn. But in River North’s capable hands, it’s warm liquid toffee.
They fortified this Ale with a long snooze in Kentucky bourbon barrels adding decadent nuances of white raisin and crème brûlée to its Abbey tones.
When you dig this brew out in twenty years’ time, you can swirl a glass, wonder where the time went, and enjoy its enhanced charm.
Tasting Notes
Bready malts swirl with subtle flavors of banana and clove courtesy of the Belgian yeast and candi sugar. Whispers of stone fruit and bourbon spice accent the ending of each sweetly boozy sip.
Barrel Aged
Noteworthy Ingredients
Bourbon Barrels
Belgian Yeast
Belgian Candi Sugar
a ridiculously amped up golden strong ale that tastes true to style just with ridiculous ABV, but I loved it.
the flavor profile masks the high abv well. nice Belgian backbone with fair amount of bourbon barrel. great considering the abv